"Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena

Mark Shippey kprinter at dfw.dfw.net
Tue Apr 7 20:54:37 EST 1998

Patanîe Pongpâ (patanie at hotmail.com) wrote:
: Le Mon, 06 Apr 1998 18:06:12 -0400, "Lorne D. Gilsig"
: <gilsig at earthlink.net> vous écrivîtes:
: >Dear Patanîe Pongpâ,
: >
: >Maybe aliens just don't like Europeans, or they can't afford the season
: >rates?
: I guess ETIs are not interested in fine French cuisine and prefer
: McDonalds and similar crap...
: Regards,
: P P

  Now wait just a cotton-picking minute PP....y'all shouldn't go
bad-mouthing McDonald's. Those bug-eyed alien perverts happen to like
it better in these parts because we have more cows and we know how 
they like to core those darn cow butts.   
  And by the way PP, how do y'all explain McDonald's BIG sucess 
over there in the land of fine French grub? Looks like a lot of
Europeans are happy stuffing a Big Mac in their jaws and chomping
down. Yup, I have even heard that some of the McDonald's over
in those parts sell wine. 
  But back to the aliens....
  I think we have had just about enough of these darn Greys
messing with our cow a-holes and other insidious crimes against
nature. I think we need to do something about it.

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