"Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena

a00a0016 a00a0016 at theriver.com
Mon Apr 6 23:35:00 EST 1998

On Tue, 07 Apr 1998 01:44:51 GMT, density4 at cts.com.org.net (Blue
Resonant Human) wrote:

==== snip  ===================

=You may find a few of the following URLs of interest on this topic:
=	"Space Alien" Daemonialitas
=	http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/magonia.htm
=	"UFO Abductions" Through the Ages
=	http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/little.htm
=	Brother W.B. Yeats and the Little People
=	http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/yeats.htm
=	Enoch & the Nephilim
=	http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/enoch0.htm

lets' don't  forget your personal favorite:

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