"Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena

Furbelly none at fyourbusiness.com
Tue Apr 7 00:17:52 EST 1998

In article <3529458e.2038317 at news.twics.com>, patanie at hotmail.com (Patanîe Pongpâ) wrote:

>We do not have "abductions" in France or nearly none!

Aliens prefer those who bathe.

>French are more down to earth,less gullible,and not so much prone to
>mass hysteria!
Don't forget, also the most arrogant culture on earth.

>So,M.O.C,that is Flying Saucers,do not come and "abduct" French while
>they sleep!!!!
Shame, they should take the whole lot of ya.

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