In article <6gbm7j$hvf at>, JrgEmm
<URL:mailto:JrgEmm at> wrote:
> Hey Frenchie,
Never thought I'd find myself "defending" a Frenchman, but oh ah. 8)
> Stereotyping Americans as "gullible," "under-educated," or "naive" are
> gross generalizations.
You forgot "vacant". 8)
> You don't know me. You don't know the person next-door to me. If I were to
> generalize Frenchmen, I would say you are rude, smell bad, and are always
> drunk. Well, maybe that applies to you. but intelligence tells us that
> when you assume anything, you make an ass out of yourself.
Um, intelligence? As regards information or the ability to handle it?
> Get off your pedestal, Eurotrash!!!.
"Eurotrash" is/was a TV program. Featuring Jean Paul Gaultier. I fail to
see the relevance to the matter at hand.
> Maybe abductions exist, maybe they don't. An intelligent mind ponders
> possibilities.
Notice the upsurge of "extraterrestrial" xenophobia in the USofA after the
cold war ended? Coincidence? An aspiring intelligent mind doesn't consider
the paranoid fantasies of a people obviously *addicted* to having enemies
as "possibilities", but as a total waste of time.
> Yours is obviously closed, so it must be a small mind.
Highly doubtful - the USofA has the highest rate of illiteracy of all
industrialised countries. Which will not change as long as you insist
on allocating more funds to prisons than education. The statistics speak
against you, I'm afraid.
Sveinung W. Tengelsen
mailto:pixeleye at | I have one illusion; | I have no illusions.