In article <chkcorea-0604981825370001 at>,
chkcorea at (chkcorea) wrote:
>> That sleep paralysis theory is crap, it doesn't hold water.
> There are people who are having totally conscious abductuctions.
>> You people just grab any theory thrown at you and run with it.
> Succubus, incubus, it's old. I'm sick of the same old crap you
> ppl keep latching onto.
>> The evidence on the side of the abductees is too overwelming
> and you can't handle it, it scares you, so you throw things back
> like sleep paralysis and Succubus and Incubus and it's CRAP!
>> --
It's interesting that the symptoms of abduction are similar to the symptoms
of MHIC-EDOM implants developed by MK-ULTRA (see "The Controllers").
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