electronic flow

K C Cheng kccheng at postoffice.idirect.com
Sun Apr 5 23:52:00 EST 1998

Ron Blue wrote:
> >I appreciate your pointing out that aspect of atoms etc.  However,  the
> >photoelectric effect giving  us photoelectricity is the exact
> >manifestation of electronic flow in a conductor.
> If you mean the movement of EMF in a standing ionic field I cannot
> disagree.  But this does not mean the electrons are jumping orbital
> positions
> so there would be no flow of electrons.   This is similar to how the CORE
> processor at Neutronics Technologies works for high quantum memories.
>  >This is somewheat
> >similar but different in a nerve fiber where the underlying ionic
> >fluxes  alter the course and  speed of electronic propagation.  Please
> >rethink.
> If you think the modulation of EMF in a ionic charge field is influencing
> the probability that a neurotransmitter is released I would agree.  But
> again
> this does not mean electrons are flowing.   The confusion you are having
> is a classic problem in neuroscience since everyone wants to apply
> electronics
> to how the brain works.  True the above relationships are connected.
> In my opinion the brain works in a wave/particle duality modeling quantum
> mechanics and correlational opponent-processing.
> Ron Blue
> http://www.neutronicstechcorp.com
> COP theory at http://www.enticypress.com
> --
> >http://webhome.idirect.com/~kccheng
> >kccheng:¹¿Â÷÷÷÷÷¥»¼§
re the above:
This requires serious discussion.  You tend to agree with certain parts
of what I say.   H owever, you feel I am confused about electrons
flowing.   But, we cannot ignore the reality that in cells,  free
electrons are produced and even carried down  the respiratory chain,
etc.   Would they not flow?  In the retina, when hyperpolarization is
produced by incident light in the photoreceptors, microcurrents do flow
out of them to initiate and contribute to optic nerve impulses.(I am
still going to be working on this part. Hence, now I only predict. 
Details may change in my future writing).   How else could optic nerve
firing correspond or lead to light activation of the photoreceptors?  In
a hyperpolarization situation,  these are actually electroncs  flowing,
not  just ionic fluxes.  That's  because a nerve usually "fires"  only
when it depolarizes.   So, what's causing these photoreceptors to "flow"
into nerve impulses?  Electrons themselves!   Electrons do flow, and you
also admitted to that in the other one of your articles when you said
that electric currents can cause nerves  to discharge.   In classical
studies,  that's exactly what is being done:  electrodes supplying
electric current to the receptors causing them to generate receptor (and
therefore action) potentials.  Electrons from the electrodes causing
nerves to fire: No reason to suspect electrons cannot flow.   Otherwise,
nerves would not have fired in that situation at all! However,  in 
nerves, the classical ionic movement theory has obscured the electrons. 
That's what I have proven to be the case.  Electrons do flow in
nerves.   Unless you can prove they don't,  I cannot accept your 
Thanks!  Hope to hear more from you.

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