>I appreciate your pointing out that aspect of atoms etc. However, the
>photoelectric effect giving us photoelectricity is the exact
>manifestation of electronic flow in a conductor.
If you mean the movement of EMF in a standing ionic field I cannot
disagree. But this does not mean the electrons are jumping orbital
so there would be no flow of electrons. This is similar to how the CORE
processor at Neutronics Technologies works for high quantum memories.
>This is somewheat
>similar but different in a nerve fiber where the underlying ionic
>fluxes alter the course and speed of electronic propagation. Please
If you think the modulation of EMF in a ionic charge field is influencing
the probability that a neurotransmitter is released I would agree. But
this does not mean electrons are flowing. The confusion you are having
is a classic problem in neuroscience since everyone wants to apply
to how the brain works. True the above relationships are connected.
In my opinion the brain works in a wave/particle duality modeling quantum
mechanics and correlational opponent-processing.
Ron Blue
COP theory at http://www.enticypress.com