Brain Chemistry

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Sat Apr 4 22:25:03 EST 1998

This is a bizarre suggestion, and a surprising one given the implied
authority of the source.  Or are you just teasing poor Toby--you know,
"ask a silly question, get a silly answer?"

Not to denigrate Hebb, a noted Canadian whose ideas have inspired all
of us, but this cannot be a serious answer.

A proper answer to ANYONE who bleats such a formless and helpless
overly-broad question is: do a litle bit of basic reading on the
subject, and try to frame a more specific and useful question. If the
query comes from a student, studying at an institution with a library,
the student should ask the librarian to suggest something (e.g. an
elementary text) WHICH IS AVAILABLE IN THAT LIBRARY--a better start
than getting email references to things at a level beyond the beginner
or not easily found.

Having seen the postings of one person offering his/her webpage on the 
subject, I would suggest Toby avoid it and avoid its hopeless confusion
before learning that minimum which might (might) innocculate the naive
against that confusion.

F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group

In <Pine.GSO.3.95.980402091539.6396A-100000 at fissure.scar.utoronto.ca>
Preetam Banerjee <96banerj at scar.utoronto.ca> writes: 
>For memory, try looking up Hebb's Cell Assemblies.
>> I would like to find some information about the brain. About how the
>> think and remember things. Can anyone of you have these information?
Or is
>> there a homepage talking about it? If yes, please e-mail to me.
>> Toby Chan
>> cwh at usa.net
>Preetam Banerjee
>Student Neuroscience Association of Canada
>banerjp at interlog.com
>96banerj at scar.utoronto.ca

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