"JIM" <news at gate.net> wrote:
>I started having grand mal seizures after being exposed to chlorine dioxide
>at a paper mill, and I would like to know if any one here has seen this
(Here I am again, hehe ... ;-)
Sorry, forgot something.
This is not scientific at all, just an opinion:
Imagine someone hits you and then hits the same spot again.
When there is already an infury them it hurts more.
Some people after a concussion have one or several years of headaches.
The cells / glia, they are injured, and they do not heal well (and
from what I heard the dead ones not at all), and maybe the time you
get the headaches is also the time there is still a lot damaged.
If you stick some chemisty via your breathing--->blood into your
brain, then it could run damages that are not like a concussion but
also kill and damage cells.
After I had a concussion blinking lights made the prestages of an
epileptic fit for ten days and a lot of music or beep-beep devices and
the like for about half a year.
When your brain heals more, this overreaction of the injured ones
might go down.
I do not know how much got damaged, but if someone asked me to guess
I'd say try to transfer it to a theoretical concussion, read about
those and how long they tend to take heal and innerly be prepared
that there might be a certain similarity. (Though of course not
absolutely the same, as a concussion is tending to have the main
effects just on certain regions, but there maybe far more.)
If you had a bunch of cells terminated, the cables (axons) connecting
cells might have to restructure a bit, too, which might take four
months and more for a halfway decent restructuring;
once the new ones are established (and stuff in damages areas) and the
stuff is not "babies" anymore, the systems might turn more stable
again, too.
I would not worry too much about it; tension does not tend to improve
Ever tried meditation? Teaches generating different energy stages in
the brain. If you try it with a damaged brain, don't do stuff that
feels uncomfortanble, often a damaged brain can't do the same energy
stages a nornal one can without taking damages.
But to learn to alter energy-levels fast in aimed ways might help a
(As mentioned, what I said were more guesses; I am a psychedelics
teacher, not a scientist. But as some of us folks tend to use some
drugs as a blocker to segregate areas of the brain and do stuff in
them, there is the advantage of being able to watch if from the inside
when one f.e. blunders something in the cingulate gyrys and some cell
cluster goes overload and starts cramp-pulses like mad...
There f.e. if it are just 2-3 pulses it is often sufficient to focus
onto other sectors in that area of the brain, if it are more and it
starts to spread, then you need to dock out off the entire sector
(both halfves) and shift central focus immediately on other ones in
certain ways.
And with right-handed people the left one tends to go later overload
than the right half; if what you have should be connected to external
pulses it might already help a bit to immediately turn your more
flexible side of the brain towards the source and the other one away
(of to jog out of range).
With epilepsy triggering tone- and light pulses holding ears or eyes
shut and humming irregular wave tones and maybe swaying the head (as
many waves can penetrate the skull and be registered in the
overload-going areas(s) even if you shut eyes or ears) can already
help to stop a pulse detonation.)