at (Lucas Noldus) wrote:
>Deadline for abstracts ...
To measure behaviour is abstract.
In order to measure behaviour you need to segregate your areas from
the basolateral part of the amygdala, and the (hy)pothalmus areas and
all others, and then run the main emotion senders parallel and run an
input of the emotions you want to measure.
And though it is a powerful method to learn a lot about behaviour if
f.e. you watch subprograms in the basplateral part amygdala trigger a
reaction chain eventually reaching sub-hypothalmus programs and those
triggering stuff again,
there is still the tiny little problem that your structures (amount of
cells, connections, transmitter-heights, ...) is NOT exactly parallel
with those of the other person.
So you'd need to be a top-class telepath in order to really measure
Therefore to quite some extent it will always stay abstract.
But I wish you luck.
Though here you might not have it.
Main groups who can tell you about emotional behaviour are LSD folks
who can segregate the basolateral part of the amygdala from the
hypothalamus and both off themsleves
...and about motoric sequence behaviour autists who want everything
always in the same place
and about cultural education "behaviour" are people who speak several
languages and lived long enough in other places...
Don't know how many your will find here...