Lesley Schimanski <schila at ULETH.CA> wrote:
>Can anyone give me details on the treatment of autistic children?
- Error in the question.
All are individuals.
Therefore you have to look at the individual.
> My cousin, age 2 1/2, has just been diagnosed as autistic.
You do not say what seems to be different in her, so how do you expect
people to answer you?
>Her parents have been directed towards thousands of dollars worth of treatments. Is
>this worthwhile?
Without describing the sort of "treatment" how is one supposed to
And is she suffering from her stage or is it just that the parents or
society are too intolerant to have someone being different and try to
force that person away from what is natural for them?
> What are the symptoms of autism?
Internal segregation.
Different reaction to incoming signals.
Different connection and use of areas of the brain....