Deadline for abstracts extended to 1 May 1998
The local organizing committee, in consultation with the program
committee, has decided to extend the deadline for submission of
abstracts for the Measuring Behavior '98 conference (Groningen,
18-21 August 1998) to 1 May 1998.
The timespan between the printing of the preliminary program booklets
and the original deadline was rather short, and quite a few people
told us they did not have enough time to prepare an abstract. We hope
that more scientists and students will now be able to submit an
abstract for a paper, poster or demonstration.
If you have not received the preliminary program with registration
materials yet, send an email request to mb98 at All
information is also available from the conference web site at
We look forward to seeing you in Groningen!
Wineke Schoo
Chair, Local Organizing Committee
Noldus Information Technology b.v.
Costerweg 5
P.O. Box 268
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-(0)317-497677
Fax: +31-(0)317-424496
E-mail: w.schoo at
Sign up for Measuring Behavior '98, the 2nd International
Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research! See for details.