In article <6fu48m$gbc$3 at>,
lisard at wrote:
>>> On 1998-03-31 bmcsweeney at said:
> :[tongue in cheek]
> :Sorry, Mr. Kochenburger:
> :5th has already been written. I knew it as fifth :)
> :How about 6th. I haven't seen any implementation with that name!
>> we have it. its a C-based implementation. also there was a 7th, made for
LOL: Yea, yea, yea, I remember now...
> cp/m by some long-forgotten company.
7th I never heard of...
>> eighth is free. :>
So, I guess I'll call MY implementation 9th or perhaps #9, ROFL
/s/ brianm!
> --
> Communa (together) we remember... we'll see you falling
> you know soft spoken changes nothing to sing within her...
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