Wavelet analysis

Matt Jones jonesmat at ohsu.edu
Mon Sep 29 11:40:36 EST 1997

In article <NEWTNews.875472140.6943.crosley at crosley.tcp.co.uk> ,
crosley at tcp.co.uk writes:
> Can anyone suggest an introduction to wavelet analysis     
>     with no, or minimum, maths?  I have Hubbard's book
>     but find it a bit obtuse. I am particularly interested
>     in EEG applications. John Shaw.

Hi John,

I would start here:

This is an excellent intro, that leads you by the hand through some of
the basic ideas, and brings in the math very gently.

A zillion more wavelet resources, spanning the whole range of difficulty,
can be found at this amazingly useful page:

To get into wavelets for real, you will need some kind of reasonably
powerful computer math package, like MATLAB (www.mathworks.com),
Mathematica, IDL or Maple. Or you will need to be a decent programmer
yourself. If you use MATLAB, there is a huge (and free) Toolbox available

Wavelab contains all the basic tools for doing all sorts of wavelet
applications, but more importantly for the beginner, has some tutorials
(called Workouts) that take you through implementing the analysis.

For Wavelets in EEG, the work that I am familiar with is from Piotr Durka
& Katarzyna Blinowska, who have used Zhang and Mallat's Matching Pursuit
algorithm to track EEG sleep spindles and epileptiform activity, and show
the time vs frequency relationships in the data. Very nice. Their home
page is at:

Incidentally, Wavelab contains m-files for running Matching Pursuit.

Now, there's one kind favor I'll ask of you:

As you find new and interesting links to resources, tutorials and
software on your journey, please email them to me at the address above,
or post them here!


Matt Jones

"Do waves wave goodbye when they leave the seashore?"
-from "Brain Cell", a children's book.

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