Wavelet analysis

Philippe Lebrun nospamplease.plebrun at fysp1.vub.ac.be
Mon Sep 29 06:09:58 EST 1997

In article <NEWTNews.875472140.6943.crosley at crosley.tcp.co.uk>,
	crosley at tcp.co.uk writes:
>      28/Sep/97
>      Can anyone suggest an introduction to wavelet analysis     
>      with no, or minimum, maths?  I have Hubbard's book
>      but find it a bit obtuse. I am particularly interested
>      in EEG applications. John Shaw.

Wavelets with no maths? Does that exist?
I have the same problem.

Try reading: Akay,M., Wavelets in Biomedical Engineering,
Annals of biomedical engineering (1995) 23:531-542.
You can skip a lot of the math.


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