French paradox (was Re: Drugs that aid Cognition)

Jean-Philippe GÉRARD jpg at pasteur.fr
Sat Sep 27 17:35:55 EST 1997

Vince Bohman <ChrisBohman at worldnet.att.net> éCRIVAIT (wrote) :

>   These items are the basic of the French Paradox.  The french Paradox
> is the fact that the French have one of the worst dietary lifestyles,

I'd like you elaborate a little bit about that.
Who for example has the best dietary lifestyle ?
                        worst                  ?
What are your criterions of judgment ?

I guess you visited France to be such categoric !

> yet due to the grape extracts from the Red wine that they drink, (not
> the alcohol) have one of the lowest per capita problems with
> cardiovascular problems.

You know, there are so many different reasons why the cardiovascular
mortality may be altered, it's difficult to choose from.

For example :
  Schwarz K, Ricci BA, Punsar S, Karvonen M
  Inverse relation of silicon in drinking water 
  and atherosclerosis in Finland.
  Lancet (1977) 1:538-539

As you may not know, the french study as been established in the 
southwest part of the country (if I remember well) : the Aquitaine.
This region is watered by a river called Garonne coming from
the Pyrenees and a number of affluents coming from the same
crystalline mountains or from Massif Central (an other crystalline 
group of mountains quite older). The content of silicon in these
rivers is quite high.
And the region of Bordeaux (la Gironde),
just where the Garonne (and Dordogne) reaches the sea, 
collects all the alluvions :
very rich ground to grow wine (vine I mean).

And the quantity of silicon in wine is far to be nil...

If you dig a little bit deeper, maybe the real good variable
to explain the so-called french paradox would be silicon.

There are _tens_ of arguments 
(bigger than this one, quoique !...)
to support this, all published, almost all forgotten, 
maybe because most of them were written in french :
one of the "worst" language to learn today if you want
to do research in the biomedical field !

I'm afraid this newsgroup is not the good place 
to elaborate on that and continue this discussion.

Unless silicon would prove to aid cognition...
(Salut Claude...)

Bien à vous,

Jean-Philippe GÉRARD

______________________________________              _____
                        jpg at pasteur.fr          _____  __o
           The ideal doctor is patient       ------   -\<,
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INA-PG  Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon  FRANCE

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