In article <UNNV5GAS5iK0Ew6k at>,
diane at says...
>>Brilliant. But have you noticed how all the miracle longevity and
>health things always taste disgusting! (Ever tried Tofu or 'Bancha
>tea'???!!!). They usually give you copious quantities of wind, as
>well...! ...I know these things, my brother's a macrobiotic maniac!
>Never stand upwind of a macrobiotic!!!
Shouldn't that be downwind? Ordinarily I wouldn't point out such trivialities but
macrobiotic maniacs are serious public health hazards requiring one to take
the strictest precautions. No wonder you've been so put off by your odiferous
brother - you've been standing downwind all the time. ;)
S. John Mihic, Ph.D.
Dept. Physiology & Pharmacology
Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, NC 27157