I have never read or posted anything to this group, so I hope
I'm in the right place.
I would like to find out what I can do to find out more about
OPCA. My father was diagnosed with this disease 10 or so
years ago, and is in advanced stages now.
What I do know from my own research is that the disease is
hereditary on a 50/50 basis, and that it usually shows up
around the ages of 25 - 35 years.
What I want to know is if this is true. I am 22 years old, a
college student and recently married. I have decided not
to have children of my own since I do not know if I might
develop the disease (there have been documented cases
of the disease not showing until the age of 55, too old for
me to have children. If I do, I do not want my children to
go through what I am, namely seeing my father degrade
day by day.
Maybe some of you have researched/studied this condition,
or have colleagues who have and can reference me to them.
Any and all information is greatly appreciated.
Andy Bell