Ronald Blue rcb5 at classic.msn.com
Wed Sep 24 20:42:29 EST 1997

From: 	Gaudet Normand
Sent: 	Wednesday, September 24, 1997 8:57 PM
To: 	neur-sci at net.bio.net
Subject: 	ERPs

>I'm a M. Sc. Neuropsychology student.
>My research will focus on a characteristic found in music and word
>Technically, I use E.R.P. (Event Related Potential).  
>I would like to have more information on the N400 component (the one >that
>behaves negatively and approximatively 400ms after the stimulus).
>I scanned Current Contents and had few hints.
>Help would be highly appreciated.
>Normand Gaudet
Calculate the average ERP while habituating the stimulus if
possible.  Now turn the average over as a mirror image.
Now compare the results to your negatively ERP.  

Notice anything unusual?  If they look similar then
read COP theory at http://www.enticypress.com

Ron Blue

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