Non-invasive Brain Stimulation

Kevin Spencer kspencer at s.psych.uiuc.edu
Wed Sep 24 01:00:01 EST 1997

Try looking for articles with the keywords "transcortical magnetic
stimulation".  I remember seeing one in Science or Nature a couple of
years ago.

Kevin Spencer
Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory
Dept. of Psychology and Beckman Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
kspencer at s.psych.uiuc.edu

degby at webtv.net (Donald Beggs) writes:

>I am not an MD. My specialty is Physics. However, several years ago,
>while studing toward my BS, the idea occured to me that it should be
>possible to induce an electric current in the brain, using a time
>varying magnetic field. Upon searching Med-Line somewhat recently, I
>discovered some papers relating to experiments of this nature that were
>being carried out around the year 1985.
>More input is needed from the Physics community in this infant field.
>There should be some way to non-invasively stimulate the brain in a
>specific location, even into the deeper brain, i.e. the hypothalamus,
>This research is very exciting, and will lead to very important
>discoveries and applications, but more interdisciplinary communication
>and cooperation is essential for results in the shortest possible time. 
>Thank you.

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