>I have a research technician position open in my lab, available
immediately, for someone who has 1-2 years molecular biology experience.
Would you pass the following ad around to students or techs you know with
the appropriate background who are looking for a position?
>>Rita Balice-Gordon
>>Developmental neuroscience lab looking for research technician with 1-2
years experience. Project involves studying the synaptic distribution of
neurotrophin, cytokine and other growth factor receptors and manipulating
their expression during development, reinnervation and aging. Lab
experience (not coursework) with general molecular biology techniques
(cloning, Northerns, Westerns, Southerns, in situ hybridization, PCR,
tissue culture) essential. B.A. or M.S. in Biology/related field, good
organizational and communication skills, high motivation level,
independent work required. Send c.v. and names and addresses of 3
references to: Dr. R. Balice-Gordon, Dept. Neuroscience, Univ. Penn.
Sch. Med., 215 Stemmler Hall, Phila., PA 19104-6074. Email:
rbaliceg at mail.med.upenn.edu