zaborowski.3 at (Michael Zaborowski) wrote:
>Child had severe anoxic injury. Recovery has been amazing. Still wondering if
>there is any prescriptive techniques to aid cognition (she is not ADHD, but
>might fit ADD). Please respond if you have a thought to; "response" or
>email: zaborowski.3 at
I am glad to hear of your child's recovery. I just did a med-line
search using search terms Anoxia and drug therapy. Unfortunately, I
did not find anything relevant to your needs.
I would suggest that you consult a pediatric neurologist with an
academic affiliation. Perhaps there are some studies investigating
the use of drugs in this context. One thing you must really be
concerned about is the possibility of seizures that might be
interfering with your child's ability to pay attention. The
neurologist should also be able to help you with that.
best wishes,
David B. Sudderth,MD, adult neurologist