Information Please

KittyLaw at aol.com KittyLaw at aol.com
Fri Sep 19 12:03:07 EST 1997

In article ,
  "Catherine Twomey"  wrote:
> My 11-year-old daughter, Allison, suffers from a very complex neurological
> disorder.  Of greatest concern is the fact that she suffers frequently from
> a cyclical vomiting disorder that involves self-abusive behavior.  The
> self-abuse occurs only when she is sick.  For several years her neurologist
> has called this a migraine variant, but there is really no conclusive
> evidence, it is just a best guess.  We have tried numerous migraine drugs
> and some others, but nothing has helped.  At the moment she has been
> vomiting for the past 18 days.  This is much longer than usual, but as a
> rule, this occurs every one to two weeks and last anywhere from a few days
> to two weeks.
> Has anyone ever heard of a case like this or have any suggestion of where I
> might find information?
> Her only official diagnoses are congenital hypomyelinative
> encephaloneuropathy, and probable Moebius Syndrome.  Her last MRI was
> several years ago, but at that time, her corpus collasum indicated that she
> only has about 1/3 the normal amount of myelin.  She has almost total
> facial paralysis and cannot blink or close her eyes.  Despite this extreme
> myelin deficit, she can walk with help (primarily uses a wheelchair), read,
> and speak in full sentences.
> I would greatly appreciate any suggestion of where we should look for help.
>  Incidentally, she has had the cyclic vomiting since she was about 2 months
> old, so we have been trying to find help for 11 years.  I just thought the
> Internet may lead us to help we have not been able to find thus far.
> Thank you very much.
> Catherine in Wisconsin
> --
> see2mee at ix.netcom.com

Catherine, The vomiting sounds very much like cyclic vomiting syndrome. 
It is a rare disorder most commonly found in children.	I suffered from
it as a child.	I had episodes once a month that would last for 2 weeks. 

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