Neuroscience and Education survey

John Mueller mueller at acs4.acs.ucalgary.ca
Fri Sep 19 10:41:15 EST 1997

Dear Colleagues: 

We are soliciting commentary in the form of a short survey from a
large sample of educational psychologists and neuroscientists as to
how advances in our understanding of the neural correlates of behavior
might be applied to education.

This survey can be filled out on-line via a web browser such as
Netscape or Explorer at this URL:


Please feel free to forward this announcement to colleagues and
students who may be working in neuropsychology/cognitive neuroscience
or education.

By way of background, in 1986 the US National Institute of
Education, National Science Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan Foundations
conjointly sponsored the volume entitled "The Brain, Cognition, and
Education" (Friedman, S.L., Klivington, K.A., Peterson, R.W., 1986,
Academic Press: Orlando, FL). Again, in 1995, the James S. McDonnell
Foundation and the University of Oregon Institute of Cognitive and
Decision Sciences sponsored the "Cognitive neuroscience and education:
Brain mechanisms underlying school subjects" videoseries. These
collaborative initiatives were undertaken on the part of noted
educational psychologists and neuroscientists. Our intention is to
reexamine this issue in light of the many recent findings that have
occurred in the field of neuroscience in the past decade.

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