The Function of Glia

Tim Fitzmaurice tjf11 at cus.cam.ac.uk
Wed Sep 17 05:17:14 EST 1997

On 17 Sep 1997, Interculture wrote:

> 	I just read an article on the Net that the 12 September issue of "Science"
> reports a study conducted by Stanford University researchers who discovered
> another role of glia.  Does anyone know about this study?  Can someone tell
> me more about their conclusions and the basis of them?
> -- 
The article I assume is the one you are talking about it entitled
'Synaptic efficiency enhanced by Glial Cells in vitro' 
Authors Pfreiger PW and Barres BA

They found that in neuron cultures without glia the synapses were formed
but they were low in activity, with glial cells present the amount of
activity jumped a large amount. The authors therefore suggest a role for
glial cells in development of the function of neurons.

I've only seen the abstract so I can''t provide more detail than that...

'Science' do maintain a webpage themselves at http://www.sciencemag.org/


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