MTBE : State imposed carcinogen and neurotoxin in gasoline

John H. Casada casada at uthscsa.edu
Wed Sep 17 11:39:35 EST 1997

Howard Olson wrote:
>         The time has come to expose the baltant disregard for public
> well-being that MTBE represents and call for the impeachment of any
> politician who supports it. This is an excellent opportunity for
> libertarians to expose the hypocrisy  and malevolence of statism!
> The government viciously and stubbornly refuses to acknowledge its
> mistake and continues to pllute our bodies to coverup their
> incompetence.

Whoa, Howard!  Turn down the volume.  First, I don't know how a chemical
can represent blantant disregard.  Second, your call for impeachment
also seems premature.  Do you have any information as to how the
regulations came to be law?  What interests were served?  What are the
existing studies that show health effects?  You know, if you decided to
approach this problem from a public education standpoint, the public
might _vote_ out the policians who supported this (if they agreed with
you). Thirdly, you freely use words like "viciously," "stubbornly,"
"hypocrisy," and "malevolence" but do not show how these apply to this
situation.  You seem to assume that simply noting that exposure to this
chemical has adverse health effects justifies your name calling.  Can
there be no honest dissent with your position?

If you want to engage in productive discussion, may I suggest that you
post a more complete account of your stance?


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