Searching for a diagnosis...

Phil Olsen polsen at wsvmc.com
Wed Sep 17 17:44:52 EST 1997

...for person who is  suffering with presumed auto-immune central
nervous system symptoms.

Our 20 year old daughter, Kristen, has been tentatively diagnosed with
      auto-immune disease of the central nervous system of unknown
      Kristen was a very healthy wilderness instructor in Colorado and
in North
      Carolina during the summer of '96 before she became acutely ill.
      symptoms, since October 1996, include extreme nausea severely
      and uncoordinated limb and trunk muscles, widespread numbness,
slow and
      slurred speech, and double vision. She is unable to sit up or

      The auto-immune diagnosis is by elimination because she has tested

      negative to every test thought of by the Walnut Creek Kaiser and
      neurologists and infectious disease specialists. After numerous
NM's, spinal
      taps, and a brain and muscle biopsy, we still do not know what she
      She has not responded to Prednisone, Cytoxan, Acyclovir, Rocefin,

      Included in this site are discharge summaries from her two
      hospitalizations at UCSF and the Pathology report. Also attached
is a
      history of her activities and travels for the two years before she
got sick.

      Kristen's neurologist is Dr. Engstrom at UCSF. She has also seen
Dr. Howser

      We are hoping to find a neurologist who has experience with
similar patients
      or who is doing research in this area in order to find the cause
of the
      disease and, obviously, an effective treatment.

      Thank you for your consideration and help.

For more information please visit our website at
http://members.aol.com/edcarolyn or contact us at edcarolyn at aol.com.


      Ed and Carolyn Shepherd

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