neuro linguistics

Interculture interculture at juno.com
Wed Sep 17 01:28:08 EST 1997

Xxsweetnlo <xxsweetnlo at aol.com> wrote in article
<19970915050601.BAA26259 at ladder01.news.aol.com>...
> I recently attended a seminar in which my facilitator touched on the new
> science of neuro lingustics.  He had us do a group excercis to prove its
> effectiveness; I experienced an amazing change.  I would like to learn
> about this fascinating science.  Please respond if you know anything
about this.
> Thanks,
> Crystal

	I just wanted to point out that the University of California, Irvine
through its School of Biological Sciences actually offers an upper-division
undergraduate course on the study between neuroscience and linguistics.  
Han Kang
interculture at juno.com

from Children in Exile
by James Fenton

"What I am is not important, whether I live or die--
   It is the same for me, the same for you.
What we do is important.  This is what I have learnt.
   It is not what we are but what we do,"

Oh let us not be condemned for what we are.
   It is enough to account for what we do.
Save us from the judge who says: You are your father's son,
   One of your father's crime--your crime is you.

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