| 6th European Symposium |
| on Artificial Neural Networks |
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| ESANN 98 |
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| Bruges - April 22-23-24, 1998 |
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| First announcement and call for papers |
The call for papers for the ESANN 98 conference is now available on the Web:
=46or those of you who maintain WWW pages including lists of related ANN
sites: we would appreciate if you could add the above URL to your list;
thank you very much!
We try as much as possible to avoid multiple sendings of this call for
papers; however please apologize if you receive this e-mail twice, despite
our precautions.
You will find below a short version of this call for papers, without the
instructions to authors (available on the Web). If you have difficulties
to connect to the Web please send an e-mail to
esann at dice.ucl.ac.be
and we will send you a full version of the call for papers.
Scope and topics
Since its first edition in 1993, the European Symposium on Artificial
Neural Networks has become the reference for researchers on fundamentals
and theoretical aspects of artificial neural networks. Each year, around
100 specialists from all parts of the world attend ESANN, in order to
present their latest results and comprehensive surveys, and to discuss the
future developments in this field.
The ESANN 98 conference will focus on fundamental aspects of ANNs: theory,
models, learning algorithms, mathematical aspects, approximation of
functions, classification, control, time-series prediction, statistics,
signal processing, vision, self-organization, vector quantization,
evolutive learning, psychological computations, biological plausibility,...
Papers on links and comparisons between ANNs and other domains of
research, such as statistics, data analysis, signal processing, biology,
psychology, evolutive learning, bio-inspired systems,...) are also
Papers will be presented orally (no parallel sessions). If the number of
high-quality accepted papers is too high, some poster sessions could be
organized. All posters will be complemented by a short oral presentation
during a plenary session. It is important to mention that it is the topics
of the paper which will decide if it better fits into an oral or a poster
session, not its quality. The quality of posters will be the same as the
quality of oral presentations, and both will be printed in the same way in
the proceedings. Nevertheless, authors have the choice to indicate on the
author submission form that they only accept to present their paper orally.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics which will be covered
during ESANN'98:
* theory
* models and architectures
* mathematics
* learning algorithms
* vector quantization
* self-organization
* RBF networks
* Bayesian classification
* recurrent networks
* approximation of functions
* time series forecasting
* adaptive control
* statistical data analysis
* independent component analysis
* signal processing
* natural and artificial vision
* cellular neural networks
* fuzzy neural networks
* hybrid networks
* identification of non-linear dynamic systems
* biologically plausible artificial networks
* bio-inspired systems
* formal models of biological phenomena
* neurobiological systems
* cognitive psychology
* adaptive behavior
* evolutive learning
The ESANN'98 conference is organized with the support of the IEEE Region 8,
the IEEE Benelux Section, and the Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL,
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium).
Special session
6 special sessions will be organized by renowned scientists in their
respective fields. Papers submitted to these sessions are reviewed
according to the same rules as any other submission. Authors who submit
papers to one of these sessions are invited to mention it on the author
submission form; nevertheless, submissions to the special sessions must
follow the same format, instructions and deadlines as any other submission,
and must be sent to the same address.
The special sessions organized during ESANN 98 are:
* Self-organizing maps for data analysis
Marie Cottrell (Univ. Paris 1 Sorbonne, France) & Eric de Bodt
(U.C. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
* ANN for the processing of facial information
Manuel Grana (UPV San Sebastian, Spain)
* Radial basis networks
Leonardo Reyneri (Polit. di Torino, Italy)
* Cellular neural networks (CNN) technology - theory and application *
Tamas Roska (Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary)
* Neural networks for control
Joos Vandewalle & Johan Suykens (K.U. Leuven, Belgium)
* ANN for speech processing
Christian Wellekens (Eurecom Sophia-Antipolis, France)
* The ESANN'98 conference is organized the week after CNNA'98, the 5th IEEE
International Workshop of Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications,
in London (UK). For details, see
The conference will be held in Bruges (also called "Venice of the North"),
one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Europe. Bruges can be reached
by train from Brussels in less than one hour (frequent trains). The town
of Bruges is worldwide known, and famous for its architectural style, its
canals, and its pleasant atmosphere.
The conference will be organized in an hotel located near the center
(walking distance) of the town. There is no obligation for the participants
to stay in this hotel. Hotels of all level of comfort and price are
available in Bruges; there is a possibility to book a room in the hotel of
the conference, or in another one (50 m. from the first one) at a
preferential rate through the conference secretariat. A list of other
smaller hotels is also available.
The conference will be held at the Novotel hotel, Katelijnestraat 65B, 8000
Brugge, Belgium.
Submission of papers December 1, 1997
Notification of acceptance January 31, 1998
Symposium April 22-23-24, 1998
Conference secretariat
Michel Verleysen
D facto conference services phone: + 32 2 203 43 63
45 rue Masui Fax: + 32 2 203 42 94
B - 1000 Brussels (Belgium) E-mail: esann at dice.ucl.ac.behttp://www.dice.ucl.ac.be/esann
Reply form
If you wish to receive the final program of ESANN'98, for any address
change, or to add one of your colleagues in our database, please send this
form to the conference secretariat.
------------------------ cut here -----------------------
------------------ ESANN'98 reply form ------------------
Name: .................................................
=46irst Name: ............................................
University or Company: .................................
Address: ..............................................
ZIP: ........ Town: ................................
Country: ...............................................
Tel: ...................................................
=46ax: ...................................................
E-mail: ................................................
------------------------ cut here -----------------------
Please send this form to :
D facto conference services
45 rue Masui
B - 1000 Brussels
e-mail: esann at dice.ucl.ac.be
Steering and local committee (to be confirmed)
=46ran=E7ois Blayo Univ. Paris I (F)
Marie Cottrell Univ. Paris I (F)
Jeanny Herault INPG Grenoble (F)
Henri Leich Fac. Polytech. Mons (B)
Bernard Manderick Vrije Univ. Brussel (B)
Eric Noldus Univ. Gent (B)
Jean-Pierre Peters FUNDP Namur (B)
Joos Vandewalle KUL Leuven (B)
Michel Verleysen UCL Louvain-la-Neuve (B)
Scientific committee (to be confirmed)
Edoardo Amaldi Cornell Univ. (USA)
Agnes Babloyantz Univ. Libre Bruxelles (B)
Herve Bourlard FPMS Mons (B)
Joan Cabestany Univ. Polit. de Catalunya (E)
Holk Cruse Universitat Bielefeld (D)
Eric de Bodt UCL Louvain-la-Neuve (B)
Dante Del Corso Politecnico di Torino (I)
Wlodek Duch Nicholas Copernicus Univ. (PL)
Marc Duranton Philips / LEP (F)
Jean-Claude Fort Universite Nancy I (F)
Bernd Fritzke Ruhr-Universitat Bochum (D)
Stan Gielen Univ. of Nijmegen (NL)
Karl Goser Universitat Dortmund (D)
Manuel Grana UPV San Sebastian (E)
Anne Guerin-Dugue INPG Grenoble (F)
Martin Hasler EPFL Lausanne (CH)
Christian Jutten INPG Grenoble (F)
Vera Kurkova Acad. of Science of the Czech Rep. (CZ)
Petr Lansky Acad. of Science of the Czech Rep. (CZ)
Hans-Peter Mallot Max-Planck Institut (D)
Eddy Mayoraz IDIAP Martigny (CH)
Jean Arcady Meyer Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (F)
Jose Mira Mira UNED (E)
Pietro Morasso Univ. of Genoa (I)
Jean-Pierre Nadal Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (F)
Erkki Oja Helsinky University of Technology (FIN)
Gilles Pages Universite Paris VI (F)
Helene Paugam-Moisy Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon (F)
Alberto Prieto Universitad de Granada (E)
Ronan Reilly University College Dublin (IRE)
Tamas Roska Hungarian Academy of Science (H)
Jean-Pierre Rospars INRA Versailles (F)
John Stonham Brunel University (UK)
John Taylor King's College London (UK)
Claude Touzet IUSPIM Marseilles (F)
Marc Van Hulle KUL Leuven (B)
Christian Wellekens Eurecom Sophia-Antipolis (F)
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D facto publications - Michel Verleysen
conference services Univ. Cath. de Louvain - DICE
45 rue Masui 3, pl. du Levant
1000 Brussels B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Belgium Belgium
tel: +32 2 203 43 63 tel: +32 10 47 25 51
fax: +32 2 203 42 94 fax: +32 10 47 25 98
esann at dice.ucl.ac.beverleysen at dice.ucl.ac.behttp://www.dice.ucl.ac.be/esann
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