LA,CA: biotech job (electroporation of neurons)

CloneBoy cloneboy at aol.com
Tue Sep 16 09:29:44 EST 1997

Biotechnology Jobs Offered in Southern CA

Tritech Research, Inc., a small biotech company, located
in Los Angeles, CA has just received NIH support for
our ongoing project to improve the technology for
delivery of DNA and other molecules into cells by

We have already developed "The Cloning Gun", a hand-held,
cordless, rechargeable Electroporator, and completely
revamped the protocol and technology for E. coli
transformation. The current project, with two years of
full NIH (NCI) support is to extend this technology,to
mammalian cells, and is titled:
"Improvements to Neuronal and Tumor Cell Electroporation".
We will also attempt to extend this technology to worms,
flies, and yeasts.

We have 3 positions open immediately:
Staff Scientist (Biology) (Salary $40-50K)
Expertise in mammalian cell culture and transformation required.
Entrepreneurial spirit, leadership ability,& team cooperation important.
Experience with molecular biology and microscopy recommended.
Experience with electroporation and general electronics desirable.

Research Technician (Biology) (Salary $20-30K)
Experience in mammalian cell culture and transformation required.
Entrepreneurial spirit important.
Experience with molecular biology and microscopy recommended.
Experience with electroporation and general electronics desirable.

Research Technician (Engineering) (Salary $20-30K)
Experience with electronics and soldering required.
Ability to do fine assembly work required.
Entrepreneurial spirit important.
Experience with machining and/or plastic molding desirable.

This will be an exciting project, and involve interaction with
scientists at UCLA as well as several of the top laboratories
in the United States which will be our Beta Test Sites.  To get
a flavor for what Tritech Research does, check out our nascent
website, currently at    http://members.aol.com/TriResInc/

Tritech Research is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Please submit your resume' / c.v. with a letter explaining your
particular interests and qualifications for this project, and
your availability.  While applicants from any location are welcome,
please note that a personal interview will be required.
Please call with any questions and to discuss the positions:

Dr. Andrew Papp, President
Tritech Research, Inc.
2961 Veteran Avenue
Los Angeles, CA   90064
Phone and Fax (310) 446-4460
e-mail: tritech_research at LAMG.COM

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