Subject: Armour
From: cdgert at (CDGertrude)
Date: 7 Sep 1997 06:44:21 GMT
I liked Armour...5 grains
I'm now on synthroid and feel like shit...
It's not even the same dose and I've gained over 100 pounds
I'm going to kill myself..I can't stand it & my doctor won't cahnge me
back to Armourt
This is a letter to any doctor who reads this group.
Posts like this indicate that there 'may be,' or 'may have been'
something 'untoward' going on. If there was one or two of
these sorts of posts then people could accept that perhaps
for some reason the odd doctor prefers to use a certain medication.
We see this in this group though time and time again.
What else does one think if a person can not personally benefit
from prescribing one drug over another?
You have taken an oath to 'do your patient no harm', if you take
away the choice of medication, then you are doing just this. If
you let yourself be manipulated by a drugs firm into prescribing
their product, then you could be doing just this. If you decide a drug
is the right one without ruling out others, then you do just this.
If you open your ears to what only 'you' want to hear then you
do just this.
This is a message to the drugs companies.
If you produce a product that is claiming to do the same job as an
older or rival medication, you should prove as such.
If people are reporting the same side effects time and time again
you should act first, not 'after' being pressurised.
If people are not confident in your product, you should find out why.
If your product is favoured for a just reason then this is OK, but if
your products favourability is harming people psychologically or
physically then this is NOT OK.
If you have not recognised the value of having market competitors
that expand peoples choice then your MD's need sacking.
Give the user the same standard of produce that you would want
for yourself. Afterall 'you' may need the product, and choice of products
yourselves one day.
An easy and simple rule to follow for everyone everywhere.
"Care for others as you would expect to be cared for"
Then you can sleep well at night knowing you did the right thing
for you too.