glutamate receptor pharmacology

Marilee Shelton marilee at MED.UNC.EDU
Fri Sep 12 13:45:59 EST 1997

I would like some ideas for antagonists and agonists to separate
AMPA-preferring and kainate-preferring receptors.  I am aware of
cyclothiazide and concanavalin A to selectively potentiate the responses,
but have not had much luck with them.  I need some specific agonists or
antagonists.  Also, I have seen a few papers with the AMPA antagonist, GYKI
53655, but I have not found this commercially available.  Does anyone have
experience with 1-BCP from Tocris Cookson? Is it very selective?  Any help
would be greatly appreciated. 

Marilee Shelton
Marilee Shelton
Department of Pharmacology			marilee at med.unc.edu	
CB#7365, Mary Ellen Jones Building		Phone:  919-966-5035	
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill	Fax:	919-966-5640	
Chapel Hill, NC  27510-7365		

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