My 4 year old son has Leuko-encephalopathy as a result of some of the
chemotherapy drugs he had received during his treatment for leukemia. The
extent of the demyelinization is quite extensive but we have not observed
any clinical problems as a result (you would not be able to match his MRI
film to him). We have noticed though that he has an intense sensitivity to
noise. He seems unable to filter out backround noises and hone in on the
foreground. Quite often we have had to remove him from places that he felt
were too noisy. Now that he is starting school and is in a room full of
screaming 4 year olds, this fear of noise is paralyzing him.
I dont know if there is such a 'filtering' disorder or if the loss of
myelin has affected his hearing in that way. If anyone has any input or
advice please email me at;
bgordon at