Drugnet: A Web-based Survey of Successful Adults Who Use Recreational Drugs

john white mannwm at wku.edu
Thu Sep 11 15:18:45 EST 1997

Drugnet: A Web-based Survey of Successful Adults Who Use Recreational
Are you successful?
Do you have a stable home life?
Are you a happy adult?
Do you occasionally enjoy the recreational use of Marijuana or other
drugs (e.g., Cocaine, LSD, etc.)?

Past research on drug use has concentrated on drug abusers (i.e., people
in treatment), elementary, high-school, or college students.  We are
conducting a survey to demonstrate the existence of successful adult
drug users in our society.

If you fit the above qualifications, we would like you to take our
survey.  All information is anonymous.  You don't have to e-mail us
*ANYTHING* that carries your e-mail address.  All you have to do is set
your web-browser to:


All you need to take this survey is a little time (approximately 20-30
minutes, depending upon your level of experience with a mouse and
recreational drugs).  All responses will be kept confidential!

This is for REAL!  This is *not* an attempt to identify drug users for
police records.  We are researchers at academic institutions who are
interested in Drug Policy.  If you have any questions about this study,
you may contact us at the address listed below.

If you have taken this survey before, during our pilot study last year,
we'd like for you to take it *again*!.  Based on respondent feedback,
we've added new questions and made other modifications.  So please, tell
us about your expereinces using this newer format.

NOTE:  This survey should work with any web browser that supports forms
and tables.  This includes Netscape 2.0+, Internet Explorer 2.0+, and
similar software.  

	Tom Nicholson, Ph.D.
	John B. White, Ph.D.
	Department of Public Health
	Western Kentucky University
	1 Big Red Way
	Bowling Green, KY 42101
	Voice: 502/745-4797

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