Evolutionary Psychology Career?

Brad Carty bcarty at suny.multi.co.kr
Tue Sep 9 23:04:45 EST 1997

My wife is looking to go back to school and study psychology, but hasn't
decided what field in which to specialize.  When I stumbled across
Evolutionary Psychology, and shared the results with her, we both knew
immediately that she would love this (she has a strong interest in
Anthropology, primitive behavior, etc.).

My question is, what jobs are available in the field?  She is interested
in research, especially if it allows her to work independently.  Once
having received an M.A. or PhD., what are the usual avenues of
employment?  Universities?  Foundations?  Is there a salary range for
someone just entering the field?

If anyone is in this field, and could take a minute or two to answer the
above questions, we'd be very grateful.  Or perhaps we could be directed
to another newsgroup, WWW site or association with specific information
on the subject?

Thanx in advance.


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