Radio Show - Milk

Betty Martini betty at noel.pd.org
Wed Sep 10 17:39:26 EST 1997

Hi Bob:  Just letting you know I'm putting this on our Mission Possible
list so people will listen in tonight.  Server was down yesterday so I
couldn't alert them about the international show I did by short wave but I
sure don't want anybody to miss you!

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    TYPE:    sendme help        on the Subject Line
                          1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and
  Mission Possible                send us your case history.
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On Wed, 10 Sep 1997, Judy Kew wrote:

 Dear Friends (and adversaries),
 I will be doing a radio show on genetic engineering and milk tomorrow
 evening from 11 PM - 1:00 AM, Eastern Standard Time (New York).
 The show will be carried by 200 radio stations across the United States
 and I invite you to find a station near you by going to:
 SATELITE INFO:  Satcom (F1), 137 degrees West, Transponder 5, Audio
  		Sub-carrier 5.8 mhz
 Robert Cohen
 The address for any administrative command like unsubscribe,
 subscribe or help is:
               GENTECH-REQUEST at tribe.ping.de
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