
Constance Marie Riess cmriess at acs.ucalgary.ca
Tue Sep 9 16:51:13 EST 1997

Does anyone have any information about pulmonary sarcoidosis?  There
doesn't seem to be anything really specific regarding treatment for
refractory cases. The patient in question is a 53 year old female.  Symptoms
have been chronic and unremitting for several years, and include chronic
cough (chest x-ray is clear, lungs are clear), subsequent overall body
fatigue, unilateral progessing to bilateral trigeminal involvement i.e.
facial numbness (including tongue, gums, etc).
Patient has undergone several appropriate tests (all negative) and had
been put on codeine to quell the cough, of which side effects forced the
patient to discontinue.  Patient has also been on a (very long) course
of steroids, which has not helped at all.  Lymph node biopsy has been done
(lymphs are grossly enlarged).  If there is any information or other
suggestions as to how to treat this condition, please respond immediately.
Thank you.

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