Workshop Announcement

willia48 at CCVAX.MMC.EDU willia48 at CCVAX.MMC.EDU
Mon Sep 8 12:40:55 EST 1997

Workshop Announcement on Computer Applications in Neuroscience
and Molecular Biology

A workshop organized by Meharry Medical College will be held in
Nashville, TN at Opryland Hotel, November 14-15, 1997 entitled,

"Computers and the biological sciences"

The workshop is intended to serve a broad audience of
individuals, from advanced undergraduates to senior researchers
wishing to incorporate new technologies into their research
programs.  Topics will range from approaches to database
searching of protein sequences, and primary structure-function
analyses to computational neuroscience, including modeling
hippocampal function and studies of neural correlates of visual
awareness. All individuals interested in potential uses of
computer analyses in neuroscience and molecular biology are

Applications for attendance are currently being solicited and
early response is encouraged as the number of individuals who can
participate will be limited in order to keep the workshop
proceedings informal.  In addition, there are a limited number of
scholarships available to cover hotel and registration fees.  
A registration fee of $75 will be charged those not covered by

Speakers are listed below:

Dr. George Wilcox, University of Minnesota
Dr. Christian Halloy, University of Tennessee
Dr. Neil Burgess, University College, London
Dr. Apostostolos Georgopoulus, Minnesota
Dr. Fabrizio Gabbiani, Cal Tech
Dr. Stephen Altschul, NIH
Dr. Barry Honig, Columbia University
Dr. Temple Smith, Boston University

In order to formally apply or for more information contact the
Minority Biomedical Research Support (MBRS) Program at Meharry
office at the following numbers:

615-327-6179 (FAX)

or address:

MBRS Program
Meharry Medical College
1005 DB Todd Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37208

Alternatively, you may contact via e-mail either:

Dr. Sanika Chirwa at chirwa83 at ccvax.mmc.ed
Dr. Scott Williams at willia48 at cccvax.mmc.edu

Note applications should include a CV, a letter indicating your
interest in this symposium and how it would benefit your
career/educational program. 

Minorities are encouraged to apply. 

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