Salvia divinorum and conscious dreams

Bob Greer bobg at humboldt.net
Sun Sep 7 06:04:00 EST 1997

Well, it's easy to find out if it is dangerous.  Contact the Medicinal
Chemists at:


They've isolated the hallucinogen (and it is one) from S. Divinorum, if I
recall correctly.  They even may have a gif of it posted there.  Their
theory right now, I hear, is that it is a probe for a previously unknown
type of brain receptor.  Their reasoning: all such drugs identified to date
act through known brain receptor sites, so...

Since they design and test hallucinogens, psychedelics, and entactogens
professionally (with US Gov. funding assistance) they can probably give you
the "inside dope" on this question.  In fact, they are a non-profit
corporation.  Go figure.

By the way, Uncle Al is B.S.-ing you: a tablespoon of nutmeg in a glass of
milk won't give you convulsions unless, I suppose, the milk is tainted with
botulin toxin.

Bob Greer

bill at first-star.com,postmaster at first-star.com,business at first-star.com,dns-ad
min at agis.net,domreg at cyberpromo.com

neiGHBor <tdraghi at voicenet.com> wrote in article
<5uf9e6$n2b$1 at news2.voicenet.com>...
> Uncle Al wrote:
> > 
> > Contrecoeur wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > > Note:salvia divinorum can be purchased at: DELETED
> > 
> > That pretty much sums up the purpose of the post, eh?
> > You can get mighty high from consuming a tablespoon of nutmeg in a
> > of milk, if the ensuing convulsions don't kill you.
> > 

> No he isn't selling it I don't think. He has a whole web page on
> concious dreaming. Salvia might be dangerous though I don't know.

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