help - idiopathic kyphoscoliosis

Wong Sing Tai singtai at tm.net.my
Tue Sep 2 23:54:35 EST 1997


A girl aged 13 is a known case of idiopathic kyphoscoliosis, also found 
to have a syringomyelia from C2 to C6 level. She complained of decreased
sensation to temperature and pain especially on the right upper limb.
This was associated with absent right biceps, supinator and tricep
jerks. Motor power was also weakened on the right hand involving the
hand grip, elbow and the wrist.

Clincally, she is otherwise well with no Lhermitte's sign. There was no
cause exacerbation of her symptoms. She is fully ambulant and able to
use both the right and the left upper limbs with dexterity.

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