Etiology of Male Homosexuality and Current Rise

Terry Smith terrys at gastro.apana.org.au
Thu Sep 4 15:00:36 EST 1997

 > From: James Howard <jmhoward at sprynet.com>
 > Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 15:36:40 -0500

 > Etiology of Male Homosexuality and Current Rise of Male
 > Homosexuality James Howard

 > In 1985, I developed an hypothesis (copyrighted) of male
 > homosexuality  that produced predictions.  These predictions

Given the variety and changes in public perceptions regarding
homosexual behaviour, and the legal ramifications of admission,
perhaps your first step could be to explain how your baseline
from which this `rise' occured was constructed and validated.

I have a real concern that self-reporting of the type `I'm not a
poofter, but some of the blokes I've shafted were' is merely one
of the confounding variables in your study. There is a danger
that you have presented an answer without a matching question.

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