October 2-4, 1997
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Minnesota
This conference will bring together scientists in vision and
motor control with behavioral, computational and physiological
interests. We will address questions at the interface between
vision and action, with a focus on vision for reach and grasp
movements. There will be talks by invited speakers (listed
below) as well as poster presentations.
The conference will take place at the Holiday Inn on the West
Bank of the University of Minnesota on Oct. 2-4, 1997 (all day
Thursday and Friday, and Saturday morning).
Visit our web site for information on registration ($75
registration fee, $50 for students) and accommodations, and to
see the full program and conference abstracts.
Space is limited to 200 attendees, so register now!
We plan to award five $600 travel fellowships to minority OR
disabled scientists to attend the conference (see web site for
Questions about conference registration or arrangements:
Lynn Carlson
carlson at turtle.psych.umn.edu
Tel (612)625-4593, Fax (612)626-7253
Questions about the conference program:
Gordon Legge
legge at eye.psych.umn.edu
(612) 625-0846
Bagrat Amirikian (UofMN Brain Sciences), Richard Andersen (Cal
Tech), Charles H. Anderson (Washington University School of
Medicine), Martin S. Banks (UC Berkeley), Heinrich Blthoff
(Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics, GERMANY), Chris
Buneo (Cal Tech), Roberto Caminiti (Universita "La Sapienza"
ITALY), Chris Christou (Max-Planck-Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, GERMANY), Charles J. Duffy (Uof Rochester Medical
Center), Timothy J. Ebner (UofMN Neurosurgery), Martha Flanders
(UofMN Physiology), Apostolos Georgopoulos (UofMN Brain
Sciences), Melvyn A. Goodale (Uof Western Ontario, CANADA), Mary
Hayhoe (Uof Rochester), Ellen C. Hildreth (Wellesley College),
Claes von Hofsten (Umea University, SWEDEN), Marc Jeannerod (Uof
Lyon, FRANCE), Mitsuo Kawato (ATR Human Information Processing
Research Laboratories, JAPAN), Daniel Kersten (UofMN Psychology),
James R. Lackner (Brandeis U), Francesco Lacquaniti (Universita
di Cagliari, ITALY), Gordon E. Legge (UofMN Psychology), Nikos K.
Logothetis (Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics,
GERMANY), Pascal Mamassian (New York University), Nikolaos
Papanikolopoulos (UofMN Computer Science), Hideo Sakata (Nihon
University, JAPAN), Christopher E. Smith (University of Colorado
at Denver), John Soechting (UofMN Physiology), Kamil Ugurbil
(UofMN Magnetic Resonance Research), Daniel Wolpert (Institute of
Neurology, UNITED KINGDOM), Albert Yonas (UofMN Child
Development), A.L. Yuille (Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research