Lack of sleep -> increased need for drugs

Dag Stenberg stenberg at cc.helsinki.fi
Wed Sep 3 04:20:09 EST 1997

Ernesto Garcia <elloyd at nyx.nyx.net> wrote:

>   Hello; I wonder if there is any relation between sleeping less hours
>   than necessary, and the need in the brain for induced            
>   neurotransmiting agents. I'd like to know whether there's ever
>   been a formal study in the relation of lack of sleep, and increased
>   need for alcohol, drugs, excitement, food, amusement, sex, or any
>   other kind of stimulus.

First of all, I would like to suggest a medline search combining "sleep
deprivation" with various other keywords. By juggling with the keywords,
several useful things will come up. 
  This suggestion is because any specific answer would be rather extensive.

Briefly: lack of sleep and need for/consumption of
- alcohol	yes
- drugs		I'm not sure
- excitement	in the sense that performance is restored by 
			increased motivation. Probably not in the sense
			that sleep lack increases bungee jumping
- food		yes
- sex		yes

In this, I make no difference between human and animal observations.

Dag Stenberg

Dag Stenberg     MD PhD                    stenberg at cc.helsinki.fi
Institute of Biomedicine		   tel: int.+358-9-1918532
Department of Physiology                   fax: int.+358-9-1918681
P.O.Box 9        (Siltavuorenpenger 20 J)   
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki,Finland   

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