Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 25-30, 1997

Georgia Listserv georgia at bioc09.uthscsa.edu
Mon Sep 1 19:56:25 EST 1997

From: Zaal Kokaia <zaza.kokaia at neurol.lu.se>
Subject: Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 25-30, 1997

Hi everybody,

Last year at the Neuroscience Meeting in Washington, D.C. I've met
several Georgians attending this forum. It was pure luck that we met
each other. It was the same for several last years. I am sure at least
few Georgians will be at the Neuroscience Meeting  in New Orleans this
fall. Why don't we try to meet each other. I think it will be great to
know Georgians working in the same field. Please, send me e-mail or fax
and I'll try to organize the Meeting of Georgian Neuroscientists at
Neuroscience Meeting :)

Looking forward to meet you in New Orleans

With best wishes

Zaal Kokaia, PhD

Section of Restorative Neurology
Wallenberg Neuroscience Center
University Hospital
S-221 85 Lund

Phone: +46-46-222 05 52
Fax: +46-46-222 05 60
E-mail: zaza.kokaia at neurol.lu.se

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