Question: Skin stress

Terry Smith terrys at gastro.apana.org.au
Mon Sep 1 00:27:24 EST 1997

 > From: vmenon at chat.carleton.ca (Vinay Menon)
 > Date: 22 Aug 1997 14:55:11 GMT

 > I have a question on what is the failure stress (Hoop) before
 > will tear. Mainly want to work oout if zero external pressure
 > cause skin to rupture due to internal pressure. Please email
me if

What skin, Vinay? A doctor broke two needles attempting to
suture the sole of my foot once, whereas anyone recommending
`cupping' on my cornea would be a likely target for a sardonic

I suggest a trip through the links from a NASA page.

If this wasn't encrypted, it wouldn't be a message.

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