"\"Uncle Al\" Schwartz" <UncleAl0 at ix.netcom.com> enunciated:
>Claudo de Contrecoeur* wrote:
>>>> >From New Scientist: My comments are not indented.
>> >
>> > [P L A N E T S C I E N C E]
>> >
>> > End of the road for brain evolution
>>>> This is quite interesting reading as I often wondered what is the
>> ultimate size a brain could reach and still work properly.
> [huge and merciful snip]
>Start by considering the greasy grey blob of skull pudding filling a
>blue whale's skull. Is that big enough for you?
>Blue whales are herbivores. How much intelligence does it take to
>filter feed?
>Rats have brains the size of blueberries. Rats vs whales, my money is
>on the rats.
What bank do you use, we want to make sure the winnings are debited to
the correct account.....;-)
Lee Kent Hempfling...................|lkh at cei.net
chairman, ceo........................|http://www.aston.ac.uk/~batong/Neutronics/
Neutronics Technologies Corporation..|West Midlands, UK; Arkansas, USA.