On 30 Jan 1997, Jaimie Polson wrote:
> In <Pine.SUN.3.91.970128234644.2992A-100000 at chebucto.ns.ca> Fred Bulger <fred at chebucto.ns.ca> writes:
>>> > What could cause someone to lose their sense of rhythm?? A pretty
> >broad question I know, but I'm interested in what the different responses
> >might be. Also, if there are any medical/neurological books which deal
> >with the human sense of rhythm; please let me know!
>> > Thanks...
>> > -Fred.
>>> First, what do you mean by rhythm? Do you means boogying to music? Or
> rhythmic actions such as in walking?
Well I guess they are linked, but I'm getting at the sense of rhythm
one needs to be a musician - a good musician I mean. :)
|Fred Bulger fred at ccn.cs.dal.ca |
|(902)-889-3024 http://www.ccn.cs.dal.ca/~fred |
| |
| "Giddyup!" --- Cosmo Kramer. |