In <854518722.8599 at> clarkb at writes:
>>I once read that it is a myth that the stomach shrinks following
>dieting. The idea is that the feeling of fullness that one has
following a
>big meal is nothing but a perception that the brain uses to keep you
>eating too much. In other words, the stomach isn't really "filled up",
you just
>feel like it is.
It is pretty obvious. The stomach shrinks over a period of time
when it is not swollen by too much food. It will also increase in size
readily over a shorter period of time if overfilled. Have you ever
noticed that
when you overeat it is not so easy to fasten your belt. But after a
while you have no problem unless you keep eating.
Following a period of lower food intake, the theory goes, the
>appetite regulator in the brain gets set to a lower threshold (a sort
>resetting of the biochemical thermostat in the food regulation
feedback loop).
Probably true but very reversible.
>Could anyone confirm that this is the case and perhaps give some more
details of the mechanism? A skeptical wrestling coach doubts this
theory, but I'm sure that I did not dream up this idea.
Consider what happens when a person has a large part of his stomach
removed during an ulcer operation. (90% actually). It only takes a
few weeks for the remainder of the stomach to stretch to accommodate
the same amount of food as it did before the operation.
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