Q: Sleepy leg

Sven Haul Sven.Haul at uni-duesseldorf.de
Tue Jan 28 15:19:04 EST 1997

>>Anthonie Muller <awjm at holyrood.ed.ac.uk> wrote:

>>My explanation it that lack of oxygen causes a decrease of 
>>ATP, which in 
>>turn makes it impossible to keep up the nerve membrane 
>>leading to an action potential which makes you feel the 
>>local absence of

This seems unlikely to mee. The cell tries to keep up the 
membrane potential as long as possible. So if the ATP 
shortage is prominent enough to cause a drop of membrane 
potential by about 30 mV other damages should have occured 
before, and should be noticeable afterwards.


Sven E. Haul                             Heinrich-Heine-University
Institute of Neurophysiology             Duesseldorf, Germany

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