in several articles I read about the sucidal transport of lectins in the
central nervous system of vertebrates. I'm working on the optic tectum
of ampibians, in which different types of projection neurons with
different projection-sites are known. My idea is to destroy different
subtypes of these projection neurons in an in-vitro approach, e. g. by
injection of volkensin into the tractus tecto-bulbaris rectus (pars
mediales or laterales) or tecto-bulbaris cruciatus. To lesion different
types of projection neurons would be essential to reasses the
intra-tectal interaction electrophysiologically.
Is there a way to obtain volkensin (or modeccin)? Companies like Sigma,
Aldrich-Serva, Boehringer are not able to supply this substances. Are
there laboratories, which are specialized on the production of
Are there special safety instructions like there are for the use of
ricin (Ricinus communis)?
thanks for your help,
Hauke Kahl, Brain Research Institut, University of Bremen, FB 2, P. O.
Box 33 04 40, D-28334 Bremen, Germany
FAX: (0)421-2184549